pátek 14. srpna 2015

WebSphere troubles - Could not authenticate user to messaging bus

Problem description:

You are most probably trying to configure kerberos for your cell.
Your application on a server are not started. In SystemOut.log you can find following error messages:

CWSII0205W: The bus ConnectionsBus could not authenticate the user wasadmin.
J2CA0138E: The Message Endpoint activation failed for ActivationSpec jms/connections/search/as (com.ibm.ws.sib.api.jmsra.impl.JmsJcaActivationSpecImpl) and MDB application Search#dboard.search.ejb.jar#IndexTopicMDB due to the following exception: javax.resource.ResourceException:
CWSIV0954E: The authentication exception com.ibm.wsspi.sib.core.exception.SIAuthenticationException:
CWSIP0301E: Unable to authenticate user wasadmin when creating a connection to secure messaging engine ConnectionsBus on bus ConnectionsBus. was thrown while attempting to create a connection on factory com.ibm.ws.sib.processor.impl.MessageProcessor


Open your ISC and navigate to Security > Global security and ensure, that you have selected "LTPA" option under Authentication section. WebSphere System Console is switching this option itself when it thinks it is good. And it obviously isn't.

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